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首次做。很简单、很好玩! 这食材的份量能煎大约6片。(片数根据煎饼大小改变)
1/9 把所有食材准备好
Prepare all the ingredients
2/9 面粉 + 盐 + 糖 = 搅拌均匀 (A)
Ingredients (A) : Mix Flour + Salt + Sugar
3/9 鸡蛋 + 牛奶 = 搅拌均匀 (B)
Ingredients (B) : Mix egg + milk
4/9 把(B)及 溶了的牛油 加入 (A)里
Pour (B) &melted butter into (A)
5/9 搅拌均匀
Mix evenly.
Attention: Do NOT over mixed the batter! Stop once it is even.
6/9 把食油抹在锅底 (中火)
Spread some cooking oil on the pan (medium heat)
7/9 放入适量(大约两汤匙)面糊
Pour in roughly 2tbsp of batter onto the pan
8/9 3-5 分钟后 当侧边呈现定型的状态以及泡泡浮出(如图)就能翻面
Flip the batter once the side of batter shaped (as in the photo) and the top bubbled. It takes about 3-5 minutes to turn into this look.
9/9 两面都煎好后 摆盘 就能吃啦!
Once both side is fried evenly, you may move it to a plate then add any topping as you like and ENJOY!
- 第一片的颜色比较没那么好看,是正常的
- 面糊不能搅得太过。只要均匀就停止搅拌。